Mushroom farms bloom all over Thailand.
Nothing to do with what we know...
A long preparation consists of mixing sawdust with different nutrients (each farmer has his secret) the mixture is then packed in a small plastic bag before being plugged with a stopper. The bags are then placed in a humid heat owen at 150 ° to sterilize the whole.
Once cooled the mushroom is inseminated on top after removing the cap.
It is then necessary to wait 3 weeks for the bags, placed on racks, to become completely white.
They are then ready to be placed in small houses, in the dark and at a temperature that can reach 50 ° when the sun is strong.
The mushrooms will then, after opening the top of the plastic bag, go out very quickly and this for 3 months.
The mushrooms grow very fast and they will have to be cut every 8 hours...
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